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Mawson's Huts Replica Museum

Mawson's Huts Replica Museum
Mawsons Hut Replica Museum
Mawson's Room
Mawsons Hut Replica Museum
Mawsons Hut Replica Museum
The Mawson's Huts Replica Museum stands on the waterfront in Hobart, near the wharf from which the SY Aurora sailed south to Antarctica with Douglas Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911-14 on board. This world-class small museum gives visitors an historic insight into the daily lives of the AAE expeditioners who spent two winters living and working in the windiest place on Earth - the true home of the blizzard. For two years, through two dark winters, the huts were home - a haven of warmth, light and companionship. The Mawson's Huts Foundation's mission: the ongoing conservation of the unique historic buildings that were built as the base for Douglas Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition of 1911-14 at Cape Denison on Commonwealth Bay in January 1912. Assisted by enthusiastic volunteers and staff, profits from the Museum go towards the Foundation's efforts to conserve of the original huts in Antarctica. We welcome special interest and school groups. Please call us for a special group rate.

Enquiry Desk

Gallery / Museum

Non Smoking

Shop / Gift Shop

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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