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Doo Town is a case study in Tasmanian quirkiness. 

Overlooking the southern end of Pirates Bay near the Port Arthur Historic Site on Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula, the seaside village emerged in the 1930s as a popular spot for “shacks”, the Tasmanian version of holiday cottages.

In 1935, Hobart architect Eric Round started a tradition when he named his shack Doo I. The idea soon caught on with Doo-Me and Doo-Us, and today most of the town's shacks have “Doo” names – the likes of Doo Nix, Make Doo and Much-a-Doo.

Nearby is a cluster of incredible natural rock formations in Tasman National Park, including Devils Kitchen, the gaping Tasmans Arch and the Blowhole, and a cliff-top walk to Waterfall Bay, where a high waterfall pours down a massive cliff into the sea.

Old wooden sign that says Make Doo, sitting in front of a white house in Make Doo - Doo Town
Doo Town shack
Tourism Tasmania & Adrian Cook
Doo-Lishus fish and chips
Doo-Lishus fish and chips
Tourism Tasmania & Alastair Bett

Doo Town is a 70min drive (80km) south-east of Hobart.

Insider tip
  • Head to the Blowhole car park to find the Doo-lishus caravan serving some of the state’s best fish and chips.

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